01925 411 661
Keep Your Properties Gas-safe and Legal
With Gas Safety Inspections from Causeway Heating.

Landlords Gas Safety Certificates

All landlords have a duty under law to ensure that all gas installations and appliances within their properties are safe and fit for purpose. Landlords must have all gas appliances tested annually and a safety certificate issued, this serves as proof to insurers and the authorities in the unfortunate event of a gas explosion or fire investigation that all obligations under law have been met by the landlord.

Gas Safety Inspections and Certification

If you are a Landlord with gas appliances that hold no current Gas Safety Certificates or (CP12) then call Causeway Heating Services today our friendly Gas Safe Registered Central Heating Engineers for your Landlord’s Gas Safety Certificate (CP12). The CP12 Gas Landlords Gas Certificate package includes a full boiler service.

A copy of the properties Gas Safety Certificate must be given to the tenant on entry and within 28 days of the annual check. A copy must also be retained by the landlord for period of 2 years.

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Causeway Heating Services offer discounts for testing and certifying your gas appliances in multiple properties.

Our gas appliance safety tests include,

Causeway Heating Services provide Landlord Gas Safety Certificates throughout Warrington, St Helens, Runcorn, Liverpool, Wirral, Cheshire and South Manchester and all of the surrounding areas.

So for a thorough professional safety inspection of your rental properties gas appliances Call Causeway Heating Services Ltd Today on 01925 411 661.